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Deborah O’Mara

New White Paper on Remote Video Monitoring: Why iDter is Leading the Charge

Updated: May 28, 2024

There’s been an ongoing technological revolution in remote video monitoring (RVM) and iDter Security Systems is leading the charge with a complete, automated process to immediately detect and deter loitering, vandalism and theft. Crime occurs in seconds and iDter has a 98+% success rate in driving trespassers off the property before they commit an offense. For the remaining 1-2% who persist, iDter video surveillance personnel confront the intruder with push-to-talk while dispatching the police with a video-verified alarm.

iDter Security Systems is different. Our solution leverages AI and analytics – but presents a fully automated and complete system that stands ready to protect a wide range of vertical markets, including automotive dealerships, construction sites, campuses, retail, warehouses and many other commercial businesses.

The secret sauce is the automation – and a live video monitoring solution that incorporates the latest hardware and software in a turnkey package that’s easy to deploy. We’re the single-source developer of a complete, end-to-end solution that is ready to install and doesn’t have to be cobbled together with disparate technologies. 

We’ve written a brief but informative white paper on what makes us different in the remote monitoring space – so you can take advantage of our leading-edge technology. 

Access the free white paper HERE.

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