Leading security service provider offers rental program using iDter Niō Guardians with AI-based detection to actively stop unwanted trespassing and theft of outdoor assets at construction and heavy equipment sites.
San Mateo, Calif., November 2, 2023–Per Mar Security Services, Davenport, Iowa, has crafted a highly effective and efficient outdoor asset protection solution for its customers in partnership with iDter Systems, San Mateo, Calif. Per Mar is deploying iDter’s Nio Guardians with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and active intrusion detection to stop trespassing, theft and liability claims at construction and equipment sites.
Intelligent video monitoring stops intruders
Theft and damage of heavy equipment continues to ramp up – the National Equipment Register reports that dealerships, work sites and storage facilities are the top three targeted locations for thieves. Per Mar partnered with iDter to ramp up protection for their construction and heavy equipment customers who require a solution to late-night trespassers who engage in theft and vandalism and create potential liability on project properties.
Per Mar offers the construction industry a cost-effective rental solution that’s easily installed and connects quickly via cellular internet. In the Per Mar application, Niō Guardians are integrated with cellular modems for their security rental program. These self-contained units are affixed on poles and stanchions in strategic areas of the construction site, powered by temporary runs of 120 VAC.
Nicholas Luciano, Integrated Security Solutions Manager at Per Mar says the system detects and takes active deterrence actions to confront trespassers and thieves who target high-value machinery such as tractors, loaders and cranes as well as tools and materials stored in construction trailers.
“The system is highly effective in automatically deterring intruders and is easy to install,” says Luciano. “By integrating cellular with Niō Guardian, we can install three or four units in a matter of hours. It’s simple to relocate and includes live monitoring with dispatch of either the police or our security guards.”
Luciano says customers have total site visibility and intrusion detection with real-time notification to smartphones, email or other direct messaging. “Construction superintendents can see what has happened at night and when people leave the premises. They can control the schedule of deterrence actions and other system settings. Most importantly, they receive notifications of an active event on their mobile device with a wide-angle view of the trespasser and the ability to talk to the person, dispatch authorities or initiate additional deterrence sequences.”
How iDter works
iDter’s Niō Guardian and Protector technology features AI deep-learning and infrared night vision. It detects in real-time and is proven to foil 98+% of intrusions within seconds and without delays or costs from human intervention. iDter products are fully NDAA compliant, ETL listed, FCC certified and carry an IP-65 environmental rating.
Niō Guardian nodes are positioned around the protected premises to detect intrusion with a powerful high-resolution camera with wide-angle lens, multiple motion detectors, omni-directional microphone and quad-core intelligence. Niō nodes deter with a rich set of immediate responses: the instantaneous illumination of 10,000 lumens of multi-directional LED floodlights, blinding strobes of red and blue LEDs, 120 dB piercing sirens, situation-appropriate voice-down warning messages and intimidating sound effects.
Intrusion events are detected and immediately verified with video alert recordings sent to the user’s iPhone, Android or iPad. Events are monitored in real time to ensure deterrence actions were successful, and if not, a video verified alarm is sent for dispatch of authorities through 911 operators.
About Per Mar Security Services
Per Mar is an industry leader in providing the latest residential and commercial security solutions to its customers, including AI and cloud-based security cameras, Intelligent Video Monitoring, integrated access control, security systems and more. Per Mar also owns and operates its own UL Listed, TMA Five Diamond Certified, Monitoring Centers with highly trained Per Mar monitoring agents providing live video and alarm monitoring 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
About iDter
Time matters! Property can be stolen or damaged in seconds. iDter (intelligent and immediate deterrence of crime) is an automated, end-to-end security solution for commercial clients looking to put an end to criminal activity at their facilities. iDter is proven to foil 98% of intrusions automatically without the delays of human intervention.
The award-winning iDter solution is offered through a qualified network of commercial security integrators, structured/data cabling companies and licensed electrical contractors focused on delivering documented security results for their clients and growing their recurring monthly revenue (RMR).
iDter holds some 35 U.S. patents (issued and pending) through parent company Kuna Systems Corporation covering the novel relationship between integrated camera-lighting-audio design, software functionality and deep learning technology to automate security performance. Now featuring RTSP video integration as well as PoE connectivity, Niō Guardians are the perfect proactive security solution.
This article appeared on:
November 2, 2023, Security Sales & Integration
November 4, 2023, Security Systems News
November 6, 2023, SourceAccesscontrol.com
November 6, 2023, SourceSecurity.com
November 6, 2023, SDM